Professional Tree Fertilization Service2024-03-20T09:30:50+00:00

Professional Tree Fertilization Service

Trees, like any living organism, require nourishment to thrive. Trees can “feed” themselves through photosynthesis, but their roots and soils often need an extra boost with fertilization. At A Plus, we believe in taking care of trees from the inside out and from the roots up.

Did you know that 90% of tree health problems start below ground? By fertilizing and taking care of tree roots and soils, you can help prevent many issues from happening in the first place!

The Science Behind Tree Fertilization

Trees absorb essential nutrients from the soil to support their growth and development. However, in urban environments or areas with depleted soil, trees often struggle to obtain enough nutrients. The primary nutrients trees need are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 

– Nitrogen (N): Promotes leafy, green growth and enhances photosynthesis.

– Phosphorus (P): Improves root development, flowering, and fruiting.

– Potassium (K): Helps overall stress resistance and disease prevention.

signs of a drought-stressed tree

Do My Trees Need To Be Fertilized?

Whether or not your tree needs fertilization depends on soil composition, tree species, and environmental conditions. Here are some signs to look for:

  1. Slow Growth: If your trees are showing slow or stunted growth, the soil may lack essential nutrients.
  2. Yellowing Leaves: Yellowing leaves, or chlorosis, can be a sign of nutrient deficiency.
  3. Poor Soil Quality: In areas with poor soil quality or recent construction, soil nutrients may be absent or lacking
  4. Stress Factors: Trees subjected to stress, such as construction activities or severe weather, may benefit from additional nutrients to aid recovery.

The Importance of Fertilization Services

By investing in fertilization services, you are being proactive and improving the long-term health and beauty of your trees. Fertilizing your trees as needed helps with:

  1. Disease Resistance
  2. Stress Resistance
  3. Stronger Root Development
  4. Canopy Greening
  5. Improved Flowering and Fruiting
  6. Longer Tree Life Span
before micrel fertilizerafter micrel fertilizer

Quick Tips to Boost Soils

1. Mulch

Mulch is cheap and helps trees in so many ways – retains moisture, suppresses weeds, provides nutrients, the list goes on. Check out our ArborMulch page to learn more!

2. Remove Turf

Turf grass competes with trees for water and nutrients. Furthermore, lawnmowers can damage tree roots and trunks. Simply remove turf out to the tree’s canopy line and replace with mulch.

3. Apply Soil Amendments

  • Biochar: This is a carbon-rich material naturally produced under low oxygen environments. Its unique structure supports soil microorganisms, retains water, and reduces leaching. Check out our BioChar page to learn more!
  • Organic Matter and Minerals: This is available in many forms, ranging from compost teas to granular fertilizers. A Plus Tree provides soil injection services that deliver “all the good stuff” directly to the tree’s root system so you get the best bang for your buck!


Trees are long living organisms used to more moderate growth and slower nutrient release. In their natural environment, trees receive nutrients from leaf litter and breakdown of organic matter. So for regular maintenance, fertilize trees with slow release soil amendments. If your trees have chlorosis, opt for fertilizers with a higher nitrogen and micronutrient content.
Fertilizer works if it’s giving your tree what it needs! For best results, conduct a soil test to identify if any nutrients are missing. Apply those missing nutrients to the soil at appropriate rates at the start of the growing season. And remember, fertilizers only help in the long run if coupled with proper tree care practices like irrigation and pruning.
  • Improve the health of your trees and overall Urban Forest.

  • Decrease hazardous tree situations due to dead branches or overgrowth.

  • Plan and budget your leafy assets proactively.

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