What is Evergreen Browning?

Evergreen trees are known for retaining their leaves or needles throughout the year, unlike deciduous trees that shed their leaves in the fall. So, when an evergreen begins to turn brown, it’s often a sign that something is off. Evergreen browning refers to the unnatural discoloration and death of the needles or leaves of these trees. Deciduous and evergreen trees shed the oldest leaves at various times of the year. But unnatural discoloration of evergreen trees happens when many leaves, including the young ones, turn brown and die. This can be caused by a range of natural and human-induced factors that affect the tree’s overall health and vigor.

Why Is My Evergreen Turning Brown?

​​There are several reasons why evergreen trees might start turning brown. Let’s explore some of the most common causes:

  1. Inadequate Irrigation

Insufficient watering can lead to drought stress, causing evergreens to turn brown. Even though they can be more drought tolerant than deciduous trees, evergreens still require proper hydration, especially during dry spells.

  1. Winter Desiccation

Due to winter desiccation, evergreens can lose water through their needles during the colder months. This can happen even if there’s water in the soil because as the soil freezes, the water becomes ice and can’t be absorbed by the tree’s roots. But aboveground, the needles are still alive and losing water to the atmosphere. As a result, the needles dry out and turn brown.

  1. Disease

Various diseases can infect evergreens, causing the browning of needles or branches. Some common ones are root rot, stem cankers, and rust.

Both root rots and stem cankers are fungal infections that can cause decay and discoloration. The main differences lie in the disease location, as the name implies. But the damage is similar in that by infecting the wood, these diseases stop the vascular flow or transport of water and nutrients throughout the tree. Over time, the needles can’t obtain what they need and turn brown.

Rust is another fungal disease, but instead of infecting the wood, it directly infects the needles. As it spreads, it produces reddish-brown or orange-brown powdery spores throughout the canopy. Under certain conditions, all these diseases can spread rapidly and weaken the tree’s natural defenses.

  1. Animal Damage

Some animals, like deer and rabbits, may feed on evergreen foliage, especially in winter when food is scarce, causing damage that leads to browning. Additionally, rodents can chew on the bark, interfering with the tree’s nutrient and water uptake.

why is my evergreen turning brown

How to Deal With Evergreen Browning

Preventing evergreen browning requires proactive care and attention. Here are some effective tips to ensure the vitality of your evergreen trees:

Preventing Evergreen Browning

  1. Proper Irrigation

Regular, deep watering is essential, especially during dry periods. Water the trees deeply over the root zone to encourage strong root growth and resilience to drought conditions.

  1. Mulching

Apply a 2-4” layer of organic mulch-like wood chips around the tree’s base. This helps to retain soil moisture and regulate temperature, protecting the roots from desiccation and extreme hot or cold temperature fluctuations. Don’t pile mulch up against the tree’s trunk to help prevent root rot, canker, and other moisture-loving diseases.

  1. Fertilization

Provide appropriate nutrients through seasonal fertilization. Consult with a professional to determine the right type and amount of fertilizer for your specific tree species.

Tips to Save Browning Evergreens

  1. Pruning

Regularly trim or prune away dead or diseased branches. This promotes air circulation and sunlight penetration, helping prevent the further spread of diseases.

  1. Treat for Diseases

If the disease is still curable, apply suitable fungicides to stop or slow down the disease’s spread. Trees at high risk of infection may need to be put on preventative treatment cycles. 

  1. Pest Control

Employ the appropriate measures to deter herbivorous animals that might cause damage. Install barriers or repellents to keep deer, rabbits, and rodents at bay.

Stop Evergreen Browning with A Plus Tree

While maintaining evergreen trees can be rewarding, it can also be challenging. If you’re struggling to revive your evergreens, seeking professional assistance is a smart choice. A Plus Tree is here to help with evergreen browning! With years of experience and a team of certified arborists, we specialize in diagnosing and treating tree issues of all types.

Our services include:

Complimentary Tree Health Assessment

Our Arborists will assess the health of your evergreens, identifying the possible causes of browning and providing tailored solutions.

Customized Tree Care Proposal

We’ll create a tree care proposal for your trees, concerns, and budget. Proposals include detailed tree inventories and recommendations for pruning, fertilizing, deep irrigation, and pest and disease treatments.

Professional Pruning

Our professional arborists will perform precise pruning to remove dead or infected branches. We strictly adhere to the International Society of Arboriculture’s pruning standards to maintain safe pruning practices and promote your trees’ overall health and aesthetics.

Disease Management

If diseases affect your evergreens, we have a varied toolbox of treatments to halt their progression and restore the tree’s vitality. Evergreen browning is a distressing sight, but armed with knowledge about its causes and preventative measures, you can take action to keep your trees vibrant and healthy. By addressing issues like inadequate irrigation, winter desiccation, disease, and animal damage, you can enjoy the enduring beauty of your evergreen trees year after year. Contact us if you need help caring for these majestic trees, or check out our Tree Health Care page for more information on our services!